Psychological center

Workshops for employee mental empowerment

Attention disorders, concentration and memory issues, prolonged periods of low mood, difficulty making business decisions, worry, and irritability can cause lower work productivity and reduced job satisfaction.

We present to you a project called Employee Mental Empowerment.

Workshops for employee mental empowerment
  • The project consists of 10 one-hour workshops

  • Combination of psychoeducation and practical exercises

  • Workshops can be held live or online

Team of three top psychologists

Mental challenges of employees

  • How to stay calm in sudden and stressful situations at work?

  • How to deal with "difficult" colleagues or clients?

  • How to break free from operating on "autopilot"?

  • How to establish a balance between private and professional life?

These are questions we encounter daily in our work as occupational psychologists.

Since the onset of the pandemic, and due to a series of stressful events in both private and professional environments, we have observed increased mental health issues among employees, regardless of gender, age, or type of job.

Attention disorders, concentration and memory issues, prolonged periods of low mood, difficulty making business decisions, worry, and irritability can cause lower work productivity and reduced job satisfaction.

Employee mental empowerment

Therefore, we have designed a project called Employee Mental Empowerment, aimed at:

  • directing and maintaining motivation towards work tasks

  • easier adaptation to new circumstances

  • effective time management

  • greater sense of (self) control

  • less preoccupation with negative thoughts

  • adopting healthy lifestyle habits

  • increased relaxation of the mind and body

The project consists of 10 one-hour workshops covering various topics in psychology, including psychoeducation and practical exercises. Workshops can be held live or online, with a minimum of 5 employees per group.

By the end of each workshop, employees will be able to independently apply learned simple techniques that will help them cope with challenges in everyday life.

For all inquiries, You can call us at: 099/489 1165 or contact us via email at: