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Medical examination for athletes

Na liječnički pregled potrebno ponijeti:
  • Osobnu iskaznicu.
  • Medicinsku dokumentaciju ukoliko bolujete od nekih bolesti.
Osnovni liječnički pregled sportaša uključuje:
  • EKG,
  • spirometriju,
  • Pregled specijalističke medicine rada i sporta.
  • Laboratorijsku analizu krvi i urina (KKS, GUK, urin) - prema indikaciji liječnika.
Ostali prošireni liječnički pregledi sportaša
  • ovisno o zahtjevima sportske discipline
Liječnički pregled boksača

Obvezni godišnji sistematski pregled natjecatelja sastoji se od:

  • A OPĆI PREGLED (anamneza, visina, težina, pregled glave, vrata, trupa i ekstremiteta, krvni tlak, puls, fizikalni pregled pluća, srca i trbušnih organa)
  • C OČNI PREGLED (oštrina vida)
  • D STOMATOLOŠKI PREGLED kariozni zubi se moraju sanirati
  • E LABORATORIJSKI PREGLED koji se sastoji od laboratorijskog pregleda:
    • a) krvi (Se, leukociti, eritrociti, hemoglobin)
    • b) analiza urina (šećer, bjelančevine, sediment)
    • c) EKG (elektrokardiogram srca i dodatne laboratorijske pretrage te dijagnostički postupci samo po medicinskoj indikaciji)
Na liječnički pregled boksači trebaju ponijeti:
  • Potvrdu od stomatologa o saniranim zubima.
  • Nalaz neurologa o zdravstvenom stanju.
„Basic items for the preventive health examination of the athletes – attitude of the Croatian Sport Medicine Society:
  1. Preventive examinations of athletes should be based on clear scientific and medical criteria.
  2. Preventive examinations of athletes must be in the interest of the athlete, assessing the health of the athlete concerning the sport in which he or she is engaged.
  3. Preventive examinations of athletes are the responsibility and obligation of physicians trained in the field of preventive sports medicine (occupational and sports medicine specialists, sports medicine specialists).
  4. The scope of preventive examinations of athletes should have a common basis regardless of sport, but the specificities of particular sports should also be taken into account and additional examinations should be specified as necessary.
  5. Preventive examinations of athletes must be carried out in facilities with registered sports medicine activity that meet the requirements for space, staff and medical equipment in accordance with the valid «Regulation on Minimal Standards of Space, Workers and Medical Equipment in Providing Health Services».
  6. Based on the preventive examination of the athlete, a Certificate of Health is issued in which the athlete can be assessed as capable, temporarily incapable or incapable. Disability is determined only if there is strong evidence that a particular sport poses a serious and long-term risk to the life and health of the athlete.
  7. Preventive examinations of athletes are an important source of data for scientific studies aimed at improving the health of athletes, but it is important to emphasize that the privacy of athletes and the confidentiality of medical records should be kept to the maximum in the process.“
Iso 9001 2024
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